TickWarriors Yard Spray and Natural Pest Control PRO are the perfect combo for any type of yard and natural area. Our pet safe tick and mosquito yard sprays provide a natural alternative to chemical-based insecticidal soaps. They quickly kill ticks, mosquitoes, and other soft-bodied insects without harming lawns, landscaping, gardens, and waterways.
Use the TickWarriors Pest Control PRO to kill AND REPEL future pest activity in borders, fencelines, mulch, and natural areas. It provides a barrier of protection.
Use the TickWarriors Yard Spray PRO to kill existing pests in your lawn.
- Kills Ticks, Mosquitoes, Cockroaches, Ants, and other pests on contact
- Won’t Kill Plants
- Safe for Vegetables
Using any standard hand-held or backpack sprayer, apply directly to lawns, landscapes, and garden plants. Apply in the early hours of the day when possible. Not to be used on plants stressed from hot, dry weather or other adverse conditions. Do not use on sensitive plants such as hostas. Test on a small area before using.
Pet Safe Tick and Mosquito Yard Spray. This product is safe to use around pet areas, and for areas where children frequent. Re-apply as often as needed.
Active Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (4%) Inert Ingredients (96%): Purified Water, Soap, Coconut Oil, Lauric Acid, Glycerin, and Citric Acid.
TickWarriors All-Natural Yard Spray and Pest Control PRO are designed for professional and large scale use on residential and commercial properties. The PRO version is a concentrate.
Use the TickWarriors Yard Spray in your yard along with the TickWarriors Pest Control on borders, mulch, and natural areas to REPEL AND PREVENT tick activity.
Each 2.5 gallon jug of concentrate sprays up to 5 acres.
*** Pet Safe Tick and Mosquito Yard Spray ***